VALCHLOR® (mechlorethamine) gel is an alkylating drug indicated for the topical treatment of Stage IA and IB mycosis fungoides–type cutaneous T-cell lymphoma (MF-CTCL) in patients who have received prior skin-directed therapy

Lack of systemic absorption was observed with VALCHLOR1,2

VALCHLOR, a clear topical gel, remained locally active and was not systemically absorbed into the bloodstream in the clinical trial program1,2

Blood samples were analyzed from 16 patients using VALCHLOR (mechlorethamine gel 0.016%) and 15 patients using an identical formulation consisting of mechlorethamine 0.032% w/w.1,2

  • Those who received topical mechlorethamine 0.016% had no detectable plasma mechlorethamine concentrations1
  • Those who received topical mechlorethamine 0.032% had no measurable concentrations of mechlorethamine or half-mustard at 2, 4, or 6 months of treatment1

Mechlorethamine is an alkylating agent that inhibits rapidly proliferating cells.1

Watch the video for highlights—lack of systemic absorption was observed with VALCHLOR in a subset of patients from the pivotal trial